Physics in the News

Monday July 28, 2014

Measuring gravitational waves with eLISA

NASA Goddard intern Robert Buttles adjusts equipment used for the eLISA mission, which will test for vibrations that could reveal subtle changes in gravity. Image (Credit: NASA Goddard/Kristen Basham)
NASA Goddard intern Robert Buttles adjusts equipment used for the eLISA mission, which will test for vibrations that could reveal subtle changes in gravity. Image (Credit: NASA Goddard/Kristen Basham)
via spacefellowship

Computer model shows moon’s core surrounded by liquid and it’s caused by Earth’s gravity

Gravitational tidal heating from the Earth acts on the lower mantle of the moon (Credit: NASA/Apollo 8)
Gravitational tidal heating from the Earth acts on the lower mantle of the moon (Credit: NASA/Apollo 8)
via abc

Measuring the smallest magnets: Physicists measured magnetic interactions between single electrons

This is an illustration showing the magnetic field lines of two electrons, arranged so that their spins point in opposite directions. The image comes from the lab of Dr. Roee Ozeri. (Photo Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science)
via sciencecodex

NASA spacecraft is now buzzing Mercury 62 miles above the surface

Artist’s conception of NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft above Mercury. (Credit: JHUAPL)
Artist’s conception of NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft above Mercury. (Credit: JHUAPL)
via universetoday

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will use SPF 1,000,000 to stay protected

The full-scale James Webb Space Telescope model at South by Southwest in Austin. (Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn)
The full-scale James Webb Space Telescope model at South by Southwest in Austin. (Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn)
via adafruit

A nation duped? UK govt. paves way for GM babies

Britain’s government has allegedly misled the public with respect to a new IVF technique experts claim will herald an era of genetically modified babies.(Reuters / United Photos)
Britain’s government has allegedly misled the public with respect to a new IVF technique experts claim will herald an era of genetically modified babies.(Reuters / United Photos)

via rt