Welcome to Time in Cosmology!

Recently, there have been a growing number of scientists, theorists, journalists, and others who have expressed and exposed the rather high degree of frustration within the scientific community. This frustration extends broadly from String Theory to the Standard Cosmology, and to related areas. Although there have been recent encouraging experimental results, the many scientific controversies that exist have not been diminished, in fact, many have been intensified.

Because of this, we have established this Time in Cosmology (Scientific Association for the Study of Cosmology and Time) website as a vehicle for exploring interesting ideas and credible alternatives to posit a more universal review to a wider audience. To this end, we would like to offer Dr. William Tifft’s blog to introduce the philosophy and physical foundations of time.  Although some of the posts are open for review by a general audience, the majority is academic and involves real science, not science fiction or unfounded speculation.  Join the discussion on Facebook for daily news posts, or follow us on Twitter.

The William Tifft Blog

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